Announcing the 34th Annual Gateway Classic Boomerang Tournament! This year’s edition of the Gateway Classic will take place, as usual, in Waterloo, Illinois, just outside of St. Louis, on Sunday, May 29th, 2022. The tournament site is Konarcik Park in Waterloo. The Gateway Classic is everyone’s favorite tournament due to the laid-back vibe, the long Memorial Day weekend, the rookie-friendly tournament, and the evenings spent socializing with fellow throwers at Chicago Bob and Lisa’s house.
There will be field painting and practice throwing on Saturday at the field throughout the afternoon, followed by food, beverages, and fun at Chicago Bob’s house Saturday evening. The tournament will start at 9:00 am Sunday. Be there to register at 8:30 am. (No, seriously, 8:30!). The order of events will be the same as the past 33 years:
After the tournament, there will be more food and fun and awards back at Chicago Bob’s. Monday is open for anything – throwing, touristy things, whatever.
Please send me a message if you have questions, or to RSVP if you plan to come. Since I have food and trophies for everyone, I like to know in advance who is coming! Hope to see everyone in a couple of months!