Trick Catch and Doubling used to be separate events but have now been combined into a single event.  The first half involves throwing a single boomerang and making a series of increasingly harder catches.  Once complete the thrower then uses a pair of boomerangs, designed to be used together , to throw at the same time and catch both again with increasingly harder to make catches.  Points are awarded for a successful catch with harder catches being worth more points.

Tips & Tricks: Trick Catch/Doubling

     Men: Steve Kavanaugh, 279 Points
     Women: Betsylew Miale-Gix, 85 points

     Men: Manuel Schuetz (Switzerland), 533 Points
     Women: Marie Appriou (France), 92 Points

Trick Catch/Doubling Rules

Points Awarded

  • Best: Most Points


  • Contested on circles of 20m radius (which also contains 2m radius circle).  See Figure 3.

Required For Score

  • 20m range flight.
  • Legal throw from inside the 2m circle.
  • Legal catch(es) of types required in turn.

Tandem Throwing (Optional)

  • Two (2) throwers throw in the same turn from the same 2m circle.  The 2 throwers run alternately to save time.  One (1) thrower throws from the 2m circle at a time.  While 1 thrower competes, the other prepare to throw.  The thrower not competing must be ready to throw 15 seconds after the other thrower in his circle has caught, has not caught, or gives up.  As soon as the flight of the boomerang has ended and the score recorded, the 15 seconds begins.
  • Throwing order is to be determined by throwers but must be maintained throughout the event.
  • In the event of an odd number of throwers, circle judge will assign a non-scoring second thrower to the last thrower.

Tandem Throwing Interference

  • If a boomerang hits the thrower, the score recorded is 0.  If a boomerang hits the tandem partner, the tandem partner receives a score of 0 for that throw, and the thrower must take a mandatory tandem re-throw.


  • Throwers attempt 10 trick catches with a boomerang thrown singly.  Then attempt 10 additional trick catches with boomerangs thrown simultaneously as doublers.
  • Official score is the total of 15 (or more) throws.
  • If a thrower scores a perfect score of 100 points, he will continue to throw the same 15 throws until he drops.  During doubling, if he drops the first boomerang he attempts to catch, no points for a catch of the second boomerang of the doubling throw are given.  His total score may accordingly be more than 100 points.
  • The catches must be performed in the following order, and are worth the indicated number of points:
  • Single Boomerang Sequence
    1. Left Hand Clean 2 points
    2. Right Hand Clean 2 points
    3. Behind The Back 3 points
    4. Under The Leg 3 points
    5. Eagle Catch 4 points
    6. Hackey Catch 6 points
    7. Tunnel Catch 6 points
    8. One Hand Behind The Back 7 points
    9. One Hand Under The Leg 7 points
    10. Foot Catch 10 points
  • Single Boomerang Subtotal:   50 points

  • Doubling Sequence
    11. Behind The Back and Under The Leg 3 + 3 = 6 points
    12. Hackey catch and Left Hand Clean 6 + 2 = 8 points
    13. Tunnel Catch and Right Hand Clean6 + 2 = 8 points
    14. One Hand Behind The Back and One Hand Under The Leg 7 + 7 = 14 points
    15. Foot Catch and Eagle Catch10 + 4 = 14 points
  • Doubling Subtotal 50 points
  • Total: 100 points


  • The event includes 1 round of 15 (or more) throws for each thrower.  Throwers may pass on throws.  A passed throw will be score 0.
  • If 2 throwers are throwing in rotation with each other, after the turn of the first thrower has been completed, the second thrower will be given a signal indicating the start of his turn.  After the second thrower has completed his turn, the first thrower will be given a signal indicating the start of his turn.  This process will be repeated until all the round is complete.  Both throwers will be given enough time not to interfere with each other.
  • In Doubling:
    • The 2 required catches for each throw may be made in either order.
    • If 1 boomerang is short, both boomerangs are considered short.
    • The thrower must retain control of the first boomerang until after the second catch is completed.  If the first boomerang is caught, then dropped prior to or during the second catch, the first boomerang does not count.
    • The thrower may attempt a catch a second time in 1 doubling throw if the first attempt was not caught.

Warm Up

  • No practice throws once the warm up is over.
  • Each thrower, or group of throwers, has a 2 minute warm up in the 2m circle prior to the start of the round.  The timed warm up starts as soon as the circle judge signals that the circle is clear.  The thrower(s) may start their round prior to the completion of the 2 minute warm up if desired.


  • Re-throws are made at the end of the round.

Officials Per Circle

  • May be competitors.
  • 1 circle judge.
    At least 3 range stewards.

Due to weather or other conditions, the tournament director may decide to drop the doubling sequence which would result in Trick Catch 50.  If a thrower scores a perfect score of 50 points he will continue to throw the same 10 throws until he drops.  His total score may accordingly be more than 50 points.

Official Rules