from Steve Kavanaugh, US Team Member:
“Trick Catch is one of the events in Boomerangs most affected by one’s mental state. I was taught by Michael Gel Girvin to visualize making the catch before you throw the boomerang. You have to practice until you have body memory of how you make the catch; there is no conscious thinking involved.
The sequence and point values may change, but the essence of the event remains: Confidence in one’s self and one’s boomerangs is the key to success.
Everyone wants a perfect round in competition, but perfect rounds are rare in practice and more so in competition conditions. Mental
fortitude separates the champions from the rest, especially in keeping focus on making the next catch if there is a missed catch.
Always see and feel yourself making the catch before you throw. Practice and tune a few boomerangs for high wind trick catch,
competitions are rarely perfect conditions. Make foot catches in competitions with authority: there’s no more noble way to break a
boomerang than while nailing a foot catch when it counts.
Big separation and stable hovers are required for successful doubling. I switched to using carbon three blade MTAs for doubling a few years ago to ensure sufficient separation.”
from Brian Wissner, USBA Board Member and US Team member:
“Reduce chasing down your boomerang by throwing further into the wind allowing you more time to get in position as it floats towards you. Align your body so the trick catch boomerang will float towards you and into your hand for an easier catch than trying to catch it at a single moment as it flies past you. Picture yourself making the catch prior to making each throw to mentally prepare yourself. In training give Yoga a try to improve your flexibility and strength for some of those difficult body positions during trick catch.”
from Mark Legg, US Team Member and USBA Board Member:
On one handed catches and in particular the eagle catch, extend your non-catching arm forward to trace the boomerang as it comes in. This helps to guide your movement when catching.
from James Stickney, US Team Member and USBA President:
On the one hand behind the back catch, turn your head as far as possible to the left/right if catching with the right/left hand, respectively. This helps with vision as the boomerang comes into your catching hand.