It is with great enthusiasm that we announce, through hard work and diligence, a further reduction in the expected cost of the 2018 WBC! Full price for those that register by January 1st 2018 is now just $899 USD, which is in line with our original bid. And along with the reduction in price, we also announce an upgrade in facilities. Lodging will now be in the Marriott Courtyard, the same facility we originally chose. The main difference is that occupancy will now be four adults per room (in two double sized beds). This is still better than the dorms we were planning on, which have one bathroom per six adults. And the facility is much nicer. It also allows us to once again be closer to the field, just 1.5 miles away. The $899 price is only good through the end of the year for individuals and Teams that Register by January 1st. After that the price increases to $950 USD. Individuals must Register and deposit $100 and Teams must Register and deposit $600 by January 1st. Registration and collection of fees will begin December 1st. Further payments will progress per the WBC website, under Registration. It is important to note that should we have only 60 participants, the field fee will increase to $550 making the total price $1030. We will also begin to roll out more info, pics and videos in the near future.