Post USBA Nationals Reflection From Tournament Host Kenny Barr

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I’d really like everyone who came out to nationals, the constant support, and the generosity of the sponsors for making this nationals a success and 100% free for the competitors and boomerang enthusiasts.

This has been a perfect ending to the 21, 22, and 23 Greater Cleveland Nationals trilogy.

The local media coverage was amazing. We had articles in the local papers and 2 news stations interviewed Logan and myself. During the Fox 8 interview I was asked how I got into boomerangs. It’s a common question and everyone has their own interesting story. I later realized I’m never asked WHY I got into boomerangs, which made me question… WHY did any of us get into boomerangs? Besides the obvious answer that boomerangs are AWESOME! I think that maybe in our own circles outside the boomerang field, in our own day to day lives, we are the black sheep. We are different from everyone else. We think outside the box. We are special, unique, and we stand out. We are all amazing individuals. It doesn’t matter if we are throwing for the World Cup, or if we are at a park teaching a kid to throw and putting the biggest smile on their face when they catch it… This curved stick… this silly, wonderful, amazing, magical boomerang transforms each and every one of us from black sheep into golden GOATs. So at the end of the tournament, at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter where you place. What matters is that you found your place.

– Kenny